Qualtrics Survey Software Available

Marquette University has enterprise online survey software available to allow the campus community to easily create and distribute online surveys, collect and store data, and produce reports. Use of the software is free and available to all faculty, staff and students at Marquette University.  The software is powered by Qualtrics, a nationally-respected survey instrument software company.

To login and get started, please visit: http://www.marquette.qualtrics.com/

Online training is available at: http://www.qualtrics.com/university/

Marquette University Survey Policy

Marquette University has a policy for conducting online surveys that helps minimize the occurrence of survey fatigue, improve the integrity of Marquette data and communication, reduce oversampling Marquette students, employees and alumni and increase survey response rates. The Online Survey Review Group at Marquette reviews and schedules online surveys conducted with Marquette students, employees, or alumni in accordance with UPP-1-22: the Online Survey Policy.

Policy Exceptions

Surveys with 100 or more total Marquette students, employees, or alumni as participants must be approved in advance, unless they meet one of the following exceptions:

  • Surveys/evaluations sent only to persons who have used a given service or office or attended a specific program/event AND for which the author already has the email contact AND for which no invitations are sent to non-users or non-participants
  • Institutional elections (e.g. MUSG, University Academic Senate)
  • Academic research conducted by faculty or students and online surveys conducted by students as part of an official course assignment are subject to the policy ONLY if the projects involve soliciting 100 or more Marquette students, employees, or alumni as participants.

For more information about this policy, please visit: http://www.marquette.edu/onlinesurveys/

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